Writer: Holly Black
An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame.Once upon a time, there was a boy with a wicked tongue.Before
he was a cruel prince or a wicked king, he was a faerie child with a
heart of stone . Revealing a deeper look into the dramatic life of
Elfhame’s enigmatic high king, Cardan..
Rs.700 Rs.900
Writer: Holly Black
He will be destruction of the crown and the ruination of the throne.
Power is much easier to acquire than it is to hold onto.
Jude learned this lesson when she released her control over the wicked
king, Cardan, in exchange for immeasurable power. Now as the
exiled mortal Queen of Faerie, Jude..
Rs.700 Rs.1,000
Writer: Holly Black
The enchanting and bloodthirsty sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel The Cruel Prince.You must be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without tiring.The first lesson is to make yourself strong.After
the jaw-dropping revelation that Oak is the heir to Faerie, Jude must
Rs.700 Rs.1,000
Writer: Holly Black
Of course I want to be like them. They’re beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever.And
Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all
the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can
hardly breathe.Jude was seven when ..
Rs.700 Rs.1,000
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