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Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
Urdu Translation of Beyond Good And Evilترجمہ:ڈاکٹر نریندر کمار(Beyond Good and Evil) کے دوسرے باب میں آزاد روح یا آزاد فطرتِ انسان کا تصور پیش کرتا ہے۔ نطشے اپنی کتاب نطشے کے مطابق، "آزاد فطرت کا انسان"وہ ہوتا ہے جو روایتی خیر و شر کے تصورات کو چیلنج کرتا ہے اور اپنی اخلاقیات خود تخلیق کرتا ہے۔..
Rs.750 Rs.1,000
Writer: Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine originally wrote Common Sense to emphasize the need for
independence from the British rule, but its call for freedom and
rational discourse remains a vital touchstone in discussions of
democracy and human rights, influencing generations of thinkers and
activists. Paine presents ..
Rs.250 Rs.299
Writer: Karl Marx
اس مجموعہ میں وہ تمام کتابچے ، مضامین ، ابواب
، اقتباسات اور خطوط شامل ہیں - جو کارل مارکس اور فریڈرک اینگلز نے الہیات ، مذاہب اور ان سے متعلقہ موضوعات کے بارے اپنی حیات میں تصنیف کیے-..
Rs.1,800 Rs.2,500
نفسیات کی روشنی میں انسانی نیچر اور بے چینی کی جڑ اور اس کے مطابق صحت مند جامع خوشی کا امکان اور تنقیدی وحدت ذات کی ایک مستقل ذہنی حالت کا تجربہ..
Writer: Allama Muhammad Iqbal
ایران میں فلسفہ مابعد الطبیعات کا ارتقاء
Translated By Mir Hassan Ud Din..
Rs.450 Rs.600
Writer: Will Durant
زندگی کیا ہے۔۔۔۔۔(On The Meaning Of Life) ایک
بہت ہی خوبصورت کتاب ہے جس میں ول ڈیورانٹ نے فنون ، سیاست ، مذہب اور
علوم کے 100 دانشوروں سے رابطہ کیا اور انھیں چیلینج کیا کہ وہ نہ صرف
زندگی کے مفہوم (خلاصہ میں) کے بنیادی سوال کا جواب دے بلکہ یہ بھی بتائے
کہ وہ ہر ایک (کیسے) خاص طور پر اپن..
Rs.500 Rs.600
Writer: Sigmund Freud
Urdu Translation of The Interpretation Of DreamsTranslated By Yaqoob Yawar..
Rs.2,250 Rs.3,000
Writer: A C Grayling
Urdu Translation of The History of PhilosophyUrdu Translated By Taj Bahadur Taj..
Rs.2,000 Rs.3,000
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
Set of 10 Books of Friedrich Nietzsche
1) Beyond Good And Evil - Pages: 171
2) Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is - Pages: 96
3) The Birth Of Tragedy - Pages: 108
4) On the Genealogy Of Morals - Pages: 122
5) Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Pages: 290
6) Twilight of the Idols - Pages: 86
7) The ..
Rs.3,750 Rs.5,300
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
In late 1888, only weeks before his final
collapse into madness, Nietzsche (1844-1900) set out to compose his
autobiography, and Ecce Homo remains one of the most intriguing yet
bizarre examples of the genre ever written. In this extraordinary work
Nietzsche traces his life, work and develop..
Rs.300 Rs.350
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
A compelling argument for the necessity for art
in life, Nietzsche's first book is fuelled by his enthusiasms for Greek
tragedy, for the philosophy of Schopenhauer and for the music of Wagner,
to whom this work was dedicated. Nietzsche outlined a distinction
between its two central forces: t..
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
On the Genealogy of Morals (1887) is a book about the history of ethics and about interpretation. Nietzsche rewrites the former as a history of cruelty, exposing the central values of the Judaeo-Christian and liberal traditions - compassion, equality, justice - as the product of a brutal process of ..
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a foundational
work of Western literature and is widely considered to be Friedrich
Nietzsche’s masterpiece. It includes the German philosopher’s famous
discussion of the phrase ‘God is dead’ as well as his concept of the
Superman. Nietzsche delineates his Will to Po..
Rs.700 Rs.799
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
In 1888, the last sane year of his life Nietsche produced these two brief but devastating books.Twilight of the Idols,
'a grand declaration of war' on all the prevalent ideas of his time,
offers a lightning tour of his whole philosophy. It also prepares the
way for The Anti-Christ, a final ass..
Rs.300 Rs.350
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche’s notebooks, kept by him during his
most productive years, offer a fascinating glimpse into the workshop and
mind of a great thinker, and compare favorably with the notebooks of
Gide and Kafka, Camus and Wittgenstein. The Will to Power,
compiled from the notebooks, is one of the mo..
Rs.600 Rs.699
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
The Joyous Science also known as The Gay Science and The Joyful Wisdom--is a liberating voyage of discovery as Nietzsche's realization that "God is dead" and his critique of morality, the arts and modernity give way to an exhilarating doctrine of self-emancipation and the concept of eternal recurren..
Rs.600 Rs.699
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
This volume presents Nietzsche's remarkable
collection of almost 1400 aphorisms in R. J. Hollingdale's distinguished
translation, together with a new historical introduction by Richard
Schacht. Subtitled "A Book for Free Spirits," Human, All Too Human
marked for Nietzsche a new "positivism" ..
Rs.750 Rs.899
Writer: Friedrich Nietzsche
The reference to the Antichrist is not intended
to refer to the biblical Antichrist but is rather an attack on the
"slave morality" and apathy of Western Christianity. Nietzsche's basic
claim is that Christianity is a poisoner of western culture and
perversion of the words of and practice of..
Writer: Arasto
With the emergence of democracy in the
city-state of Athens in the years around 460 BC, public speaking became
an essential skill for politicians in the Assemblies and Councils – and
even for ordinary citizens in the courts of law. In response, the
technique of rhetoric rapidly developed, br..
Rs.400 Rs.450
Writer: Imam Ghazali
"قدیم یونانی فلسفہ" امام غزالی کی معروف کتاب"مقاصد الفلاسفہ" کا اُردو ترجمہ ہے۔
یہ ترجمہ علم و ادب کے تقاضے پورے کرنے کے ساتھ مضامین میں خشکی اور اغلاق نہیں آنے دیتا۔
اس ترجمے میں امام غزالی کے اپنے پیرایۂ بیان کی خوبیوں کو اُردو میں جوں کا توں برقرار رکھنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے۔..