Writer: K K Aziz
This is the first to be published and consists of his lectures. Articles and papers on the themes of history and politics. Among the more significant of contents are pieces on Muslim India in British party politics. The All India Muslim Conference, the Indian Khilafat Movement, Mian Kafayet Ali’s (“..
Rs.1,350 Rs.1,795
Writer: K K Aziz
In this final volume
of his selected shorter works Professor AM recalls some prominent
personalities whom he has intimately known or studied in the course of
his research. In the first group, he pays his double tribute to Prof.
Sirajuddin and his wife Urmila, recounts Chaudhri Zalarulla Khan..
Rs.1,300 Rs.1,695
Writer: K K Aziz
Most people have a
vague idea that in the months leading to the 1971 breakup of Pakistan
and during the savage military action in East Pakistan all the major
world powers (except China, which couldn't do anything) were severely
critical of Pakistan's policies and decisions. For the first tim..
Rs.1,450 Rs.1,995
Writer: K K Aziz
Choudhary Rahmat Ali’s role in the development of the idea of Pakistan is crucial. As a thinker he laid down and propounded certain principles which the All-India Muslim League borrowed from him without acknowledgment. He argued for the two-nation theory with conviction and skill. He was the first t..
Writer: K K Aziz
This book is the life story of Rahmat Ali, a figure who occupied a pivotal position in the origin, evolution and the consummation of the idea of Pakistan...
Rs.2,000 Rs.2,200
Writer: K K Aziz
Prof. K. K. Aziz, a widely known historian of Pakistan has taken a painstaking research in finding the primary sources (for example, documents) preserved in the different libraries and archival institutions of England relating to the Khilafat Movement from 1915 - 1933. In this documentary record, he..
Rs.1,350 Rs.1,500
Writer: K K Aziz
piri-muridi in Pakistan from the perspectives of history, religion,
society, politics and economy and asks vital questions about its nature,
working and consequences...
Rs.1,500 Rs.1,995
Writer: K K Aziz
A Study Of British Attitude Towards The East Pakistan Crisis of 1971..
Rs.1,350 Rs.1,500
Writer: K K Aziz
For over a generation (c. 1935 - c. 1970) the Coffee House of Lahore was the greatest intellectual and literary powerhouse in North India and later in Pakistan . The book covers the likes of Nasir Kazmi, Habib Jalib, Abdus Salam, Ejaz Batalavi, Hamidullah Khan Burki, Altaf Gauhar, Tajammul Hussain a..
Rs.1,100 Rs.1,200
Writer: K K Aziz
زیر نظر کتاب میں پاکستان بھر کے سکولوں اور کالجوں میں پہلی جماعت سے لے کر چودویں جماعت تک کے طلبہ کو معاشرتی علوم ، مطالعہ پاکستان اور تاریخ کی پڑھائی جانے والی چھیاسٹھ درسی کتب کے مواد کا جائزہ لیتے ہوئے ان کی غلطیوں ، ان کی نوعیت اور ان کے نتائج و عواقب کی جانچ کی گئی ہے-..
Rs.1,350 Rs.1,795
Writer: K K Aziz
Three Travelers to India.and A Monograph on Silk Fabrics, Life and Laour of the People of India 1907, India and Europe the English translation and commentary of the Quran, Abdullah Yusuf Ali wrote a great deal on diverse subjects. But in his longer and more substantial works he was p..
Rs.1,900 Rs.2,200
Writer: K K Aziz
In this volume, the author brings together all the non-text writings in Abdullah Yusuf Ali’s translation and commentary of the Quran...
Rs.1,000 Rs.1,200
Writer: K K Aziz
Abdullah Yusuf Ali was one of the greatest intellectuals, men of learning and erudition, scholars and public figures of modern Muslim India. The book is a collection of his articles and reviews. A wide array of topics is covered which includes subjects like German literature, Islamic art, agricultur..
Rs.1,900 Rs.2,200
Writer: K K Aziz
Abdullah Yusuf Ali as an orator was extremely popular in England and India. He spoke on a wide range of subjects, which only was a reflection of his vast knowledge about politics, education, culture, other religions, world affairs and literature. As Aziz writes, his earliest lectures in London drew ..
Rs.2,000 Rs.2,200
Showing 1 to 27 of 27 (1 Pages)