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اگر آپ کی مطلوبہ کتاب ہماری ویب سائیٹ پرنہیں موجود تو براہ مہربانی ہمارے واٹس ایپ نمبر 03455605604 پر رابطہ کریں- شکریہ

The History Of The Indian Mutiny

The History Of The Indian Mutiny
-13 %
The History Of The Indian Mutiny
  • Writer: Charles Ball
  • Category: English 
  • Parts: 2
  • Pages: 1953
  • Stock: In Stock
  • Model: STP-13891
A Detailed Account of the Sepoy Insurrection in India, and a Concise History of the Great Military Events Which Have tended to consolidate British Empire in Hindostan.

The volume not only presents a detailed account of the immediate consequences of the Indian mutiny of 1857 but also traces the events throughout Indian history that weakened the Mughal rulers while simultaneously consolidating the British empire in India.

Book Attributes
Parts 2
Pages 1953

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