- Writer: David Warner
- Category: English
- Parts: 6
- Stock: Sold Out
- Model: STP-9626
- ISBN: 978-19-254-5610-3
Meet Little Davey Warner.
He lives in Sandhill Flats with his mum and dad and his brother Steve –
and his stinky dog Max. Davey and his schoolmates – even Max – are MAD
for cricket. All they want to do is play … but there’s always something
getting in their way.
In this first book in the series, Davey and
his friends have a big game coming up against Shimmer Bay, their arch
rivals in the local comp. They need to practise, and spend all their
free time at school – in the morning and at lunchtime – making sure
they’ll be ready.
But disaster strikes. Davey and his friends
find out their new teacher is Mr Mudge, a strict grump who HATES cricket
even more than he hates Year 6 boys, and thanks to bully Mo Clouter,
they find themselves on detention. Which means no cricket.
boys are desperate. They’re going to need to pull something special out
of the bag to win against Shimmer Bay. Davey’s mates have some ideas,
one that could really get them into trouble, but it means getting around
Mo, who seems to be everywhere they turn.
But Davey has an idea
that he thinks may just work … he just needs to practise. Will he pull
it off in time for the game against Shimmer Bay?
Book Attributes | |
Parts | 6 |